08 Kasım 2021, 17:50
Mehmet Akif

9. Sınıf İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı 23. Sayfa Cevapları MEB Yayınları

9. Sınıf MEB Yayınları İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 23 aşağıdaki yayımdadır. Diğer konulara da göz atmanızı öneririz.

Match the movie types in the box with their comments below. One is extra.

Beautiful Mind: It is the story of John Nash. He is a mathematician with a Nobel Prize. One day, he accepts a secret work for his country and his life turns into a nightmare. biography____

Liar Liar: If you love Jim Carrey, this film is pretty good fun and also one of Carrey’s most entertaining movies. comedy____

Passengers: It is about two passengers on a 120-year journey to another planet. Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt have the lead roles. aci-fi____

The Secret Life of Pets: What do your dogs, cats and birds do when you are not around? You can have an idea when you see this movie. It’s a sweet story about the relationship between pets and their owners. animation

La La Land: It is about a jazz pianist, Sebastian and an actress, Mia. They meet and fall in love in Los Angeles. Their dancing and singing performances are really breathtaking. musical___

Lincoln: The director Steven Spielberg gives a perfect history lesson in this movie. Daniel Day Lewis has great acting as Lincoln. historical drama

Circle the correct option.
1. ”Plot” means
a) an idea b) a written story c) a visual effect
2. “Cast” means
a) people b) children c) all the actors in a film
3. “Setting” means
a) time and place b) live online c) a kind of movie
4. “Bomb” means
a) a successful movie b) a nice movie c) an unpopular movie
5. “Animation” means
a) cartoon-style b) a modern movie c) black-and-white
6. “Thrilling” means
a) amusing b) exciting c) ordinary

Fill in the sentences with the correct words / phrases below.

1. A: Did you enjoy the movie “Passengers”?
B: For sure! I _give two thumbs up___ to it.
2. At the end of the movie, the old man _kicks the bucket______.
3. I’m not in the mood for watching a drama film tonight. How about watching a
_feel-good movie_?
4. Don’ t ___waste your time__ watching this film. It has terrible acting.
5. I think the play is boring and the characters are _unrealistic_.
6. I like action movies. They keep me _on the edge of my Seat___.

Bir önceki yazımız olan 9. Sınıf İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı 22. Sayfa Cevapları MEB Yayınları başlıklı makalemizi de okumanızı öneririz.

22 Ekim 2022, 12:52

Mesaj Sayısı:
Konu Sayısı: 2847

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