18 Eylül 2023, 10:23
Mehmet Akif

10. Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı 15. Sayfa Cevapları MEB Yayınları

10. Sınıf İngilizce (Student’s Book) Ders Kitabı Sayfa 15 Cevapları MEB Yayınları

1. Why does the receptionist thank Ethan and Kuzey?

2. What do Ethan and Kuzey study?

3. Why don’t Ethan and Kuzey need the shuttle bus service?

Imagine that you are the receptionist of the fitness club. Which of the following questions would you ask Ethan and Kuzey to fill in the form?

□ May I have your name and surname, please?
□ What is your address?
□ When is your birthday?
□ What is your favorite food?
□ Are you single or married?
□ Do you have enough cash with you?
□ What color towels do you like?
□ What is your phone number?
□ Who is your best friend?
□ May I have your e-mail address?
□ Do you live in a flat nearby?
□ Which membership plan would you prefer?
□ What do you think about our facilities?
□ How would you prefer to pay?


10. sınıf student's book sayfa 15 cevapları

Bir önceki yazımız olan veya sonraki başlıklı makalemizi de okumanızı öneririz.


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